Our cheerful team is rooted in traditional Bavarian cuisine,
which we interpret creatively, vary diversely, and bring into the present
with passion. Enjoy your meal.

Opening Hours: Tue, Thu, Fri, and Sat 5:30 PM to 12 AM, Sunday 9 AM to 3 PM
Closed on Monday and Wednesday
Hot Kitchen: Tue, Thu, Fri, and Sat 5:30 PM to 9 PM, Sunday 11 AM to 2 PM


Our specialties to note and look forward to

Current Flyer

Burger Essen

jeden 2. Donnerstag, immer ab 18.30 Uhr

Rind, Beef Brisket, Pulled Pork oder Veggie? Mit besten Beilagen und Saucen nach Wahl: Euer individuell komponierter Burger für 16,- €
Zwei und mehr für einmalige 22,-
(Gerne auch zum Abholen für 12,- €)

upcoming events:
13.02., 27.02., 13.03., 27.03., 10.04., 24.04.2025


10-13.30 Uhr

Unzählige Köstlichkeiten warten auf Euch: vom feinen Frühstück, über den herzhaften Hauptgang bis zu süßen Dessertkreationen. Zur Begrüßung gibt´s ein Glas Prosecco aufs Haus.
44 €/Person

upcoming events:
08.02., 22.03.2025


Oktober - April um 18.30 Uhr, jeden ersten und dritten Dienstag im Monat

Traditionelles Kesselfleischessen, Lüngerl, Blut- und Leberwürste dazu Sauerkraut, Röstkartoffeln und ofenfrisches Brot, Herzhaft bayrisch essen soviel man will für 15 €/Person

upcoming events:
18.02., 04.03., 18.03., 01.04.2025


14. Februar ab 19 Uhr

Dass Liebe durch den Magen geht, ist keine Überraschung. Unser Menü aber schon. Ihr werdet fast so gerne auf den Teller schauen, wie in die Augen Eures Gegenübers.

4-Gänge Überraschungsmenü
59 €/Person


05. März

Mit dem traditionellen Fischessen am Aschermittwoch beginnt die Fastenzeit. Bei unseren Fischspezialitäten läuft Euch der Wasser im Mund zusammen

mittags ab 11.30 Uhr,
abends ab 17:30 Uhr

upcoming events:

Bier & Tapas

am Samstag, 22. März 2025 um 19 Uhr

Studiert und probiert die besten Biere aus der Region unter der sachkundigen Leitung von Biersommelier Tom vom Bieren. Dazu servieren wir feine bayrische Gourmet-Tapas.
69 €/Person



5. April 2025, ab 19.00 Uhr

Natürlich muss man Hopfenspargel nicht probiert haben, aber wenn man in der Hallertau ist, eigentlich doch


Unser Menü verrät´s Euch. 89 €/Person


upcoming events:


30. March 2025, ab 16.30 Uhr

vom 30. März bis 13. April 2025
Eine Herzensangelegenheit für uns: Nur wenige Tage gibt es Hopfenspargel.
Wir beweisen unsere Kochkunst mit der Hallertauer Spezialität.


Take a look and feel free to visit

The Josefistüberl
Delicious Moments by the Tiled Stove

This cozy space serves up dishes for 45 gourmets. It’s also perfect for those who wish to enjoy private celebrations like baptisms, communions, or other family events. With a passage to the restaurant room and a view of the garden, it offers both comfort and charm.

The Beer Garden
A Toast to Body and Soul

80 people can sit here outdoors, relax, and enjoy the peace. Meanwhile, the kids are happily entertained, taking care of themselves on the small playground.

Gütl Bar
The New Comfort

As balanced as expertly mixed drinks, the design of our bar combines modern and traditional elements. Once you’ve settled onto one of the leather-padded barstools, you’ll know this evening is going to be a good one.

The Barn
The Most Beautiful Summer Venue

199 names can be found on the guest list here—whether for weddings under the open beams or unique celebrations surrounded by exposed brick walls. On request, larger parties can also enjoy a tent, high tables in the courtyard, and the beer garden. From May to September, fun is guaranteed.

Gütl Restaurant
Dining Made Better

The culinary delights from our kitchen deserve a comfortable setting. 30 guests can sit on soft cushions and enjoy the warm ambiance. And there’s something you’ll love even more: what’s served on the plate.

The Restaurant Room
Living Bavarian Tradition

50 guests dine next to the beautiful tiled stove, where the regulars' table also gathers. Those who appreciate rustic charm will love our wood-paneled walls adorned with historical shooting targets.

The Gütl
Space for New Possibilities

The Gütl is brand new. A completely welcoming space that is entirely flexible. Open for up to 120 people or divided into various sections.

The Playroom
Fun for All Ages

Three bright rooms with access to the outdoors invite you to relax and have fun, right below the Gütl. Rocking horses, books, toys, and art supplies await the kids. Foosball and billiards bring joy to everyone.

Gütl Stubn
A Warm Heart in the Right Place

If you’re looking for Bavarian cuisine that’s a bit more refined than usual, this is the perfect spot. Each of our 36 traditional chairs offers you a warm welcome. And, of course, so does the friendly "Grüß Gott" from our attentive staff.

The Grill Hut
Passion for Small, Cozy Gatherings

A truly rustic spot to celebrate life and friendship. As a group of 10 grilling enthusiasts, you’ll lack nothing here, even if the weather isn’t perfect. Featuring fantastic packages for DIY grilling.

mehr erfahren

Gütl Conference
We’re All About Meetings

Look at that! In our professional seminar room, up to 42 people can hold meetings and feel comfortable. Or celebrate, as the multifunctional hall with its screen is also perfect for any event where you’d like to showcase photos or videos.

Knowing Where It Comes From

Our refined Bavarian dishes are based on high-quality regional and seasonal products. Chef Josef Ostermeier masters his craft and knows his suppliers. Alongside mostly local butchers, farmers, and bakers, his father-in-law, a hunter from Gammelsdorf, also contributes by enriching the kitchen with game. Here, our philosophy is: good taste comes from good quality.


Catering & Party Service

Why not turn Sunday into a special day? With a delicious roast for the whole family, ready for you to pick up from us. Or is there a special occasion to celebrate? With a flying buffet, complete menus, or whatever you can imagine. We’ll bring dishes, high tables, and table covers to your home or any favorite location. We have the professional staff and the best ideas to make it perfect.